Men's Football

Men's All Star Team 2005-2016

In 2017, the RANAFA Executive along with the RANAFA Legends Committee of Billy Veale, got together to discuss a way to honour the Men who were a part of RANAFA's most successful period, 2005 - 2016 which saw RANAFA claim the ADFAR Championship 4 times in 12 years.

What came about was an updated All Star team for that period, following on from the All Star team that was honoured in 2006 (this team can be found in our Legends TAB). Over several weeks the members involved discussed numerous names in all positions to finally come together to decide on the team below. The presentation, with plaques handed out to every recipient was conducted during the 2017 carnival.

Congratulations to all members selected in the RANAFA Men's All Star Team for the period 2005 - 2016

Special mention to Arron 'Catta' Convery who was voted in as Captain, Kenny Meredith and Matthew 'Donny' Cavedon who were voted in as Vice-Captains and Michael Oleksyn who was voted in as Coach of the All Star side.